After the Sailjuice forum earlier in the year and asking people for feedback, we’ve made a few changes.

Recognising that sometimes people attend an event but may only appear in the results as DNC due to gear failure for example,  where it is evident that they attempted to start at least one race during the event they will be scored as a competitor for the Series, with points based on last place from that particular event.   For those who entered the event but made no attempt to go afloat or for those other Series competitors who didn't enter that event,  they will be given a score equal to the number of boats entered in the Series +1 for that event.   

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If any of the events is cancelled in advance due to bad weather or other unforeseen circumstances,  and if the event is not re-arranged to be run before the end of Sunday, 19 February 2024, a competitor’s score shall still be based on their best four scores from the remaining events.  

If any of the events is cancelled on the day of the event (ie. no racing possible) due to bad weather or other unforeseen circumstances and if the event is not re-arranged to be run before the end of Sunday, 19 February 2024, a competitor who has registered (as per NoR) on-site at the host club, their score for that event shall still be based on the number of boats registering.  For example, an event is cancelled on the day, when 50 boats registered on-site at the club as per the event's NOR,  all boats would score 50 points for that event.

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8/11/2023 07:58


Photo © Tim Olin

Enter Here GPS Tracking

2023/24 Series

18/19 Nov 2023Draycote Dash
9/10 Dec 2023Datchet Flyer
27 Dec 2023Yorkshire Dales Brass Monkey
30 Dec 2023Grafham GP
6 Jan 2024 Bloody Mary
20 Jan 2024 KGSC Gallop
3/4 Feb 2024Tiger Trophy
17 Feb 2024Oxford Blue
24 Feb 2024Prize Giving


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The Selden SailJuice Winter Series is based around the UK's biggest winter handicap events. Sailors from many different dinghy fleets now consider this series as one of the main goals of their winter racing. With great prizes on offer, it attracts some of the best sailors in the country to compete against each other. The series is managed by SailRacer.