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Results for Pete MITCHELL

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
Handicap December,2013 Pete MITCHELL 20 67 Grafham Grand Prix - Fast Mono View
Handicap December,2015 Pete MITCHELL 14 79 GJW Direct SailJuice 4, Grafham GP (B) View
No Selection February,2014 Pete MITCHELL 10 835 GJW Direct SailJuice Winter Series Overall View
LARK July,2013 Pete Mitchell 10 37 Lark Nationals View
SOLO April,2013 Pete Mitchell 10 67 National Solo Spring Championship 2013 View
SOLO July,2013 Pete Mitchell 10 115 Solo Nationals View
SOLO October,2014 Pete Mitchell 9 65 Solo End of Seasons View
SOLO July,2011 Pete Mitchell 7 96 Nationals View
SCORPION July,2016 Pete Mitchell 6 51 Scorpion Nationals @sailscorpion View
SOLO July,2014 Pete Mitchell 6 71 Solo Nationals View
SOLO July,2014 Pete Mitchell 6 71 Solo National Championships View
SOLO May,2014 Pete Mitchell 5 26 Solo Tyler Trophy Open View
RS800 July,2014 Pete Mitchell 4 15 Weymouth Dinghy Regatta 2014 - Scoprion View
SOLO March,2012 PETE MITCHELL 4 56 Solo Spring Championships View
Handicap April,2014 Pete MITCHELL 3 22 Easter Regatta - Fast Fleet View

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