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Results for Ian Pinnell

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
SOLO October,2012 Ian Pinnell 9 51 Solo End of Season Championship View
SOLO July,2013 Ian Pinnell 9 115 Solo Nationals View
505 March,2011 Ian Pinnell 8 85 SAP World Championships View
FIREBALL August,2016 Ian Pinnell 8 49 Fireball Nationals @ukfireball View
505 January,2019 Ian Pinnell 7 89 505 Worlds @GBR_505 View
FLYING FIFTEEN April,2018 Ian Pinnell 7 48 Inlands @ukflyingfifteen View
International 14 November,2007 Ian Pinnell 7 11 Inlands View
SOLO May,2014 Ian Pinnell 6 26 Solo Tyler Trophy Open View
SOLO September,2014 Ian Pinnell 5 83 Solo Inlands View
SOLO September,2014 Ian Pinnell 5 83 Harken & Noble Marine Solo Inlands View
Handicap January,2015 Ian PINNELL 5 235 Bloody Mary View
505 July,2015 Ian Pinnell 5 33 505 Nationals View
FIREBALL June,2016 Ian Pinnell 5 13 Fireball Inlands View
Handicap February,2017 Ian PINNELL 5 130 Tiger Trophy - GJW Direct SailJuice Winter Series 6 View
505 September,2017 Ian Pinnell 5 87 Worlds @GBR_505 View

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