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Results for Daniel HOPKINS

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
Laser 4.7 September,2015 Daniel HOPKINS 1 RYANI Youth Championships 2015 in association with McCready Sailboats View
No selection January,2008 Daniel HOPKINS 1 63 View
GP14 September,2014 Daniel Hopkins 11 13 GP14 Youth Championship of Ireland 2014 View
No Selection July,2009 Daniel Hopkins 11 39 Optimist Connacht Championships 2009 - Regatta Fleet View
LASER 4.7 August,2015 Daniel HOPKINS 13 34 Laser 4.7 Nationals View
OPTIMIST July,2012 Daniel Hopkins 20 96 Volvo Irish Optimist Championship - Juniors View
OPTIMIST August,2014 Daniel HOPKINS 28 57 CH Marine Irish Optimist Nationals - Senior Fleet View
OPTIMIST April,2012 Daniel Hopkins 49 57 ISA Mitsubishi Youth Nationals 2012 View
OPTIMIST July,2013 Daniel HOPKINS 51 110 Volvo Gill Optimist British National and Open Championships - Main Fleet Senior View
LASER 4.7 August,2016 Daniel HOPKINS 167 256 Laser 4.7 Worlds Boys View

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