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Results for no result

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
RS Tera April,2014 no result 15 25 RS Tera PRO Start of Seasons 2014 View
OPTIMIST April,2014 no result 15 30 Optimist Open View
RS Tera April,2014 no result 16 25 RS Tera PRO Start of Seasons 2014 View
OPTIMIST April,2014 no result 16 30 Optimist Open View
RS Tera April,2014 no result 17 25 RS Tera PRO Start of Seasons 2014 View
OPTIMIST April,2014 no result 17 30 Optimist Open View
RS Tera April,2014 no result 18 25 RS Tera PRO Start of Seasons 2014 View
OPTIMIST April,2014 no result 18 30 Optimist Open View
RS Tera April,2014 no result 19 25 RS Tera PRO Start of Seasons 2014 View
OPTIMIST April,2014 no result 19 30 Optimist Open View
RS Tera April,2014 no result 20 25 RS Tera PRO Start of Seasons 2014 View
OPTIMIST April,2014 no result 20 30 Optimist Open View
RS Tera April,2014 no result 21 25 RS Tera PRO Start of Seasons 2014 View
OPTIMIST April,2014 no result 21 30 Optimist Open View
RS Tera April,2014 no result 22 25 RS Tera PRO Start of Seasons 2014 View

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