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Results for Tom Steavenson

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
VX One July,2019 Tom Steavenson 6 13 VX One Nationals View
RS200 June,2012 Tom Steavenson 9 17 RS200 Gul Grand Prix View
Topper September,2007 Tom Steavenson 15 112 Craftinsure Topper Nationwide - Sunderland View
Handicap July,2019 Tom STEAVENSON 24 231 Lord Birkett @ClubUYC View
LASER April,2009 Tom STEAVENSON 24 24 RYA Youth National Championships and Trials 2009 View
Topper June,2008 Tom STEAVENSON 44 140 Craftinsure Topper National Series Event 2 View
Topper August,2008 Tom STEAVENSON 83 93 Nationals - Gold Fleet View
Topper May,2008 Tom STEAVENSON 84 240 Topper Inland Championships 2008 View

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