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Results for Tom Eskdale

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
No Selection September,2014 Tom Eskdale 2 5 National Windsurfing Championship 2014 - Formula Fleet View
RSX April,2009 Tom ESKDALE 8 19 RYA Youth National Championships and Trials View
RSX March,2008 Tom ESKDALE 10 22 RYA Youth Championships & Trails 2008 View
RSXM September,2008 Tom ESKDALE 12 54 2008 Skandia Sail for Gold Regatta View
RSX 8.5 October,2008 Tom Eskdale 12 17 Olympic Class National Ranker View
RSX April,2007 Tom Eskdale 12 16 RYA Youth Championships & Trials View
RSX - Women September,2007 Tom ESKDALE 16 32 Sail for Gold View

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