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Results for Terry Curtis

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
OK March,2015 Terry Curtis 2 18 OK Winter Championships View
Handicap September,2015 Terry CURTIS 3 Battle of Classes 2015 View
OSPREY July,2015 Terry Curtis 3 34 Osprey Nationals View
Handicap December,2015 Terry CURTIS 3 102 GJW Direct SailJuice 2, Datchet Flyer View
OSPREY August,2019 Terry Curtis 3 41 Osprey Nationals View
Handicap March,2017 Terry Curtis 3 37 Exmoor Beastie View
OK October,2011 Terry Curtis 4 27 Open Meeting View
OK October,2007 Terry Curtis 4 30 Inlands View
OSPREY July,2014 Terry Curtis 4 12 Weymouth Dinghy Regatta 2014 - Osprey View
OK August,2014 Terry Curtis 4 41 International OK Dinghy British Nationals View
OK August,2015 Terry Curtis 5 35 OK Nationals View
OSPREY July,2014 Terry Curtis 5 40 Osprey Nationals View
OK May,2017 Terry Curtis 6 43 Spring Cip @OKDinghyGBR View
OSPREY July,2017 Terry CURTIS 6 16 Weymouth Regatta Osprey View
EUROPE June,2019 Terry Curtis 7 32 Europe Nationals View

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