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Results for Tom Storey

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
RS Tera June,2014 Tom Storey 1 43 Magic Marine Inland National Championships - Sport Fleet View
RS Tera May,2014 Tom Storey 6 49 RS Tera European Championship - Sport Fleet View
RS Tera May,2014 Tom Storey 4 26 Tera Sport Northerns View
RS Tera May,2014 Tom Storey 5 24 RS Tera Open - Sport Fleet View
RS Tera April,2014 Tom Storey 16 50 RS Tera SPORTS Start of Seasons 2014 View
MIRROR April,2014 Tom Storey 11 15 Northerns View
Mirror September,2013 Tom STOREY 17 22 RYA East Zone Championships View
MIRROR September,2013 Tom STOREY 17 21 RYA East Zone Championships 2013 - Mirror Fleet View
Mixed September,2013 Tom STOREY 17 99 RYA East Zone Championships View
RS Tera June,2013 Tom STOREY 16 72 Zhik RS Tera National Championships - Sport Fleet View
RS Tera September,2012 Tom STOREY 17 54 RS Tera Inland Championship - Sport Fleet View
RS Tera July,2012 Tom Storey 52 57 2012 Zhik Tera Sport National Championships View

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