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Results for Sophie OTTER

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
Topper May,2010 Sophie OTTER 79 258 Magic Marine Topper Inlands 2010 View
TOPPER July,2010 Sophie OTTER 76 108 Topper Magic Marine Nationals - Silver Fleet View
LASER RADIAL September,2012 Sophie OTTER 75 90 Noble Marine Laser and Standard Qualifier 4 View
LASER RADIAL April,2013 Sophie OTTER 74 110 RYA Youth Nationals 2013 - Radial Qualifiers View
Topper July,2011 Sophie OTTER 71 197 Craftinsure National Series 3 View
Topper June,2010 Sophie OTTER 62 196 Craftinsure Topper National Series Event 2 View
LASER RADIAL October,2012 Sophie OTTER 52 89 Noble Marine Laser and Standard Qualifier 6 - Radial Results View
TOPPER May,2010 Sophie OTTER 46 72 Eric Twiname View
LASER RADIAL October,2012 Sophie OTTER 43 95 Noble Marine Laser and Standard Qualifier 5 View
Topper September,2009 Sophie Otter 40 50 Topper North East Area Champs View
Handicap December,2012 Sophie OTTER 40 62 Grafham Grand Prix - Single Handers Fleet View
Topper May,2012 Sophie OTTER 39 218 Topper Inland 5.3 Championships View
TOPPER August,2012 Sophie OTTER 35 71 Topper World Championships - 5.3m - Gold Fleet View
TOPPER July,2011 Sophie OTTER 33 91 Nationals - Gold Fleet View
Laser 4.7 May,2012 Sophie OTTER 31 39 RYA Laser 4.7 National Junior Squad Indicator 2012 View

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