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Results for Scott WALLIS

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
Optimist May,2007 Scott WALLIS 54 86 European Qualifiers View
Optimist August,2006 Scott Wallis 72 266 IOCA Rankings 2006-7 View
Optimist May,2007 Scott WALLIS 75 238 Inlands - Main Fleet View
Optimist October,2005 Scott Wallis 101 236 Volvo Musto Optimist End of Season Championships - Main Fleet View
Handicap February,2014 Scott WALLIS 115 165 Tiger Trophy - GJW Direct SailJuice Winter Series View
Optimist October,2006 Scott Wallis 119 225 Volvo Musto End of Seasons - Main Fleet View
Optimist October,2006 Scott Wallis 119 225 End of Season View
Optimist September,2005 Scott Wallis 240 281 IOCA Squad Selection Rankings 2005 - Overall View
No Selection February,2014 Scott WALLIS 571 835 GJW Direct SailJuice Winter Series Overall View

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