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Results for Sarah ALTON

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
420 November,2011 Sarah ALTON 2 41 End of Seasons View
420 November,2012 Sarah ALTON 3 41 420 End of Season Championships View
420 February,2012 Sarah ALTON 6 38 Winter Championships View
420 November,2010 Sarah ALTON 6 45 End of Seasons View
420 March,2013 Sarah ALTON 7 40 Winter Championships View
420 March,2013 Sarah ALTON 7 40 420 Winter Championships View
420 March,2013 Sarah ALTON 7 38 RYA Youth Nationals 2013 - 420 Fleet View
420 April,2013 Sarah ALTON 7 38 RYA Youth Nationals 2013 - 420 Fleet View
420 August,2008 Sarah ALTON 8 63 Nationals View
420 March,2012 Sarah ALTON 9 35 Spring Championships View
420 September,2013 Sarah ALTON 9 36 CurraDinghy GBR 420 Inland Championships View
420 April,2013 Sarah ALTON 11 41 CurraDinghy GBR 420 Spring Championships View
420 September,2011 Sarah ALTON 11 32 Inlands View
420 April,2011 Sarah ALTON 11 41 RYA Volvo Youth Championships View
Handicap February,2010 Sarah ALTON 14 176 Rutland Challenge for the John Merricks Tiger Trophy View

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