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Results for Sam Barker

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
RS800 August,2014 Sam Barker 17 33 Volvo Noble Marine RS800 National Championship View
MUSTO SKIFF July,2015 Sam Barker 16 41 MPS Nationals View
MOTH INTERNATIONAL September,2019 Sam Barker 16 75 Moth Nationals View
No Selection July,2014 Sam Barker 13 14 Weymouth Dinghy Regatta 2014 - Asymmetric View
MUSTO SKIFF August,2014 Sam Barker 12 59 Harken UK Musto Performance Skiff National Championships View
International 14 August,2014 Sam Barker 11 28 International 14 Prince of Wales Cup Race View
Handicap July,2016 Sam Barker 10 13 Weymouth Regatta Fast View
International 14 August,2014 Sam Barker 10 27 Monkey Marine International 14 Nationals View
No Selection November,2023 Sam BARKER 9 109 Draycote Dash View
505 November,2011 Sam Barker 8 20 Inlands View
No Selection January,2024 Sam BARKER 8 90 Datchet Flyer - Selden SailJuice Winter Series #2 View
Topper July,2009 Sam Barker 8 49 Salcombe YC Topper Open 2009 View
MOTH INTERNATIONAL September,2017 Sam Barker 8 18 Moth GP View
Topper June,2009 Sam Barker 8 52 Topper Open Meeting View
Topper April,2009 Sam Barker 7 55 Topper Open 2009 View

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