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Results for Rory ODELL

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
OPTIMIST May,2010 Rory ODELL 1 94 Inlands - Regatta Fleet View
RS FEVA September,2014 Rory Odell 1 39 Volvo RS Feva Grand Prix View
RS FEVA August,2014 Rory Odell 1 26 HISC Youth Race Week 2014 - RS Feva View
Mirror June,2013 Rory ODell 2 20 Mirror Open Meeting View
MIRROR June,2013 Rory ODell 2 19 Mirror Open Meeting View
MIRROR June,2013 Rory ODell 2 19 Mirror Open Meeting View
RS FEVA June,2014 Rory Odell 2 49 Capita RS Feva Inland Championships View
RS FEVA May,2015 Rory Odell 3 45 RS Feva Nationals Gold View
Mirror October,2013 Rory Odell 3 34 2013 Navigators & General Mirror Nationals View
Mirror August,2012 Rory ODELL 4 27 Crewsaver Nationwide Mirror Southern Championships and Squad Qualifier View
Mirror June,2013 Rory Odell 5 14 Southern Travellers Event 3 View
MIRROR July,2012 Rory Odell 6 16 Mirror Inland Championship View
Mirror November,2013 Rory ODELL 7 29 Mirror Neil Pryde Junior Championships 11th & 12th May 2013 View
RS FEVA May,2014 Rory Odell 8 26 28th RYA Eric Twiname Championships - RS Feva View
RS FEVA April,2016 Rory Odell 9 54 Feva GP View

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