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Results for Pippa Wilson

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
Nacra October,2013 Pippa Wilson 1 6 Autumn Ranker Event 2 - Nacra Women View
Cadet January,2000 Pippa Wilson 1 36 Nationals - B fleet View
Cadet April,2000 Pippa Wilson 1 13 Eric Twiname Final View
Cadet April,2001 Pippa Wilson 1 81 Inlands - Gold and Silver View
Cadet January,2001 Pippa Wilson 1 56 Nationals - A fleet View
No Selection October,2013 Pippa Wilson 1 6 Autumn Ranker Event 2 - Nacra View
Nacra June,2014 Pippa WILSON 2 10 Sail for Gold View
No Selection October,2013 Pippa Wilson 2 6 Autumn National Ranking Series - Nacra 17 View
420 May,2004 Pippa Wilson 2 43 Europeans Qualifier View
Cadet February,1999 Pippa Wilson 2 18 Eric Twiname Final View
Nacra October,2014 Pippa WILSON 3 5 Nacra FX RYA Ranker View
Cadet January,2000 Pippa Wilson 3 74 Inlands - Gold/Silver fleets View
420 May,2003 Pippa Wilson 3 54 SELECTOR SERIES View
Cadet January,2000 Pippa Wilson 4 85 World Championships View
470 - Women April,2006 Pippa WILSON 5 35 Semaine Olympique Francaise View

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