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Results for Peter Barton

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
MOTH INTERNATIONAL June,2013 Peter Barton 8 73 International Moth Nationals View
Pursuit September,2014 Peter BARTON 8 37 Battle of Classes View
Handicap January,2016 Peter Barton 7 64 Steve Nicholson Trophy SH View
Handicap February,2018 Peter Barton 7 79 Starcross Steamer View
49er November,2007 Peter Barton 6 18 Inlands View
Handicap February,2020 Peter BARTON 6 148 Selden SailJuice Winter Series @TigerTrophy View
Handicap February,2019 Peter BARTON 6 160 Oxford Blue @SeldenMasts View
RS800 June,2009 Peter Barton 6 20 Racing Circuit View
RS800 August,2016 Peter Barton 6 42 RS800 Nationals View
RS800 June,2017 Peter Barton 6 24 RS800 Open View
BLAZE October,2012 Peter Barton 5 32 Blaze Inland Championships View
RS800 August,2015 Peter Barton 5 37 RS800 Nationals View
MOTH INTERNATIONAL October,2012 Peter Barton 5 26 International Moth Open Meeting View
RS800 April,2016 Peter Barton 4 24 RS800 Open View
BLAZE June,2014 Peter Barton 4 52 Blaze Nationals View

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