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Results for Paul Watson

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
RS300 April,2018 Paul Watson 1 9 Sprints RS300 View
No Selection August,2012 Paul Watson 2 17 Classic and Vintage Dinghies Weekend View
RS300 June,2018 Paul Watson 2 9 Summers @RS300 View
RS300 November,2016 Paul Watson 2 4 End of Season @RS300 View
RS300 April,2017 Paul Watson 3 6 Sprints @RS300 Gold View
RS300 June,2017 Paul Watson 3 9 Open @RS300Racing View
RS300 August,2017 Paul Watson 4 25 Nationals @RS300Racing View
RS300 November,2016 Paul Watson 4 24 Inlands @RS300 View
RS300 September,2016 Paul Watson 6 27 Nationals @RS300 View
VX One October,2015 Paul Watson 8 8 VX One Nats View
Handicap September,2016 Paul WATSON 10 33 Battle of Classes @SotonBoatShow View
RS300 March,2016 Paul Watson 11 28 RS300 Spring View
Handicap July,2016 Paul WATSON 12 13 Weymouth Regatta Fast View
Laser June,2006 Paul Watson 19 57 Club Championships Standard Castle Cove View
MERLIN-ROCKET October,2014 Paul Watson 37 37 Merlin Open View

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