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Results for Oliver HILL

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
Optimist September,2012 Oliver HILL 3 41 RYA Volvo South East Zone Championships 29 and 30 Septmber 2012 - OPTIMIST View
SB20 November,2019 Oliver Hill 3 9 SB20 Inlands @SB20Class View
OPTIMIST June,2014 Oliver HILL 4 87 P and B Warsash Optimist Open 2014 - Main Fleet View
OPTIMIST May,2014 Oliver HILL 11 82 IOCA Optimist Team Selection Trials View
OPTIMIST May,2009 Oliver HILL 20 100 Inlands - Regatta Fleet View
OPTIMIST September,2010 Oliver HILL 23 58 RYA Volvo South East Zone Championships 2010 View
No Selection April,2015 Oliver Hill 24 78 Magic Marine Easter Regatta - Silver Fleet View
OPTIMIST March,2014 Oliver HILL 24 82 Volvo Gill Optimist Spring Championships - Gold Fleet View
OPTIMIST July,2014 Oliver HILL 25 68 Pwllheli International Optimist Regatta View
OPTIMIST August,2014 Oliver HILL 26 87 Optimist Nationals Senior Gold View
OPTIMIST May,2012 Oliver HILL 26 54 26th RYA Eric Twiname Championships - Optimist Fleet View
Optimist September,2008 Oliver HILL 28 45 RYA SE Zone Championships View
OPTIMIST March,2014 Oliver HILL 29 165 Volvo Gill Optimist Spring Championships - Round Robin Fleet View
OPTIMIST October,2014 Oliver HILL 31 217 Optimist End of Seasons - Main Fleet View
No Selection July,2012 Oliver HILL 32 76 Volvo Musto Optimist British National and Open Championship - Junior Fleet Silver View

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