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Results for Nick Martin

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
Handicap May,2015 Nick Martin 43 110 Glyn Charles Pursuit Race View
RS400 August,2014 Nick Martin 25 73 Volvo Noble Marine RS400 UK National Championships View
No Selection July,2014 Nick Martin 20 68 RORC - Cowes - Dinard - St Malo Race - IRC Overall View
RS400 June,2016 Nick Martin 17 41 RS400 Southerns View
LASER September,2012 Nick Martin 16 27 Laser South Coast Grand Prix - Standard View
RS400 July,2014 Nick Martin 15 45 Gill RS400 European Championships View
No Selection May,2013 Nick Martin 14 14 Langstone Harbour Race Weekend - Fast Fleet View
No Selection June,2014 Nick Martin 8 26 RS400 Southern Championships View
IRC 3 May,2014 Nick Martin 6 14 RORC IRC 3 Myth of Malham View
RS400 November,2012 Nick Martin 6 19 RS End of Season Championships - RS400 Fleet View
RS400 September,2015 Nick Martin 6 18 RS400 Open View

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