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Results for Michael Lennon

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
MOTH INTERNATIONAL July,2014 Michael Lennon 1 116 2014 International Moth National Championship View
Handicap January,2009 Michael Lennon 1 8 Steve Nicholson Memorial Trophy - Foilers View
Handicap January,2012 Michael Lennon 2 256 Bloody Mary Pursuit Race View
No Selection January,2011 Michael Lennon 2 256 View
International Moth October,2008 Michael Lennon 4 23 HOLT TIDE RIDE View
MOTH INTERNATIONAL July,2014 Michael Lennon 10 70 International Moth World Championships - Gold Fleet View
MOTH INTERNATIONAL January,2011 Michael Lennon 28 55 Zhik World Championships View
No Selection January,2012 Michael Lennon 29 35 Steve Nicholson Trophy - Asymmetric & Foiling Fleet merged View
No Selection May,2012 Michael Lennon 29 107 Glyn Charles Pursuit Race View
No Selection January,2012 Michael Lennon 66 575 sailJuice Global Warmup View
No Selection February,2012 Michael Lennon 73 610 2012 SailJuice Global Warmup Winter Series View
Handicap February,2012 Michael LENNON 140 155 THE RUTLAND CHALLENGE FOR THE JOHN MERRICKS TIGER TROPHY (overall) View
handicap February,2008 Michael Lennon 162 241 Tiger Trophy View
No Selection January,2012 Michael LENNON 554 575 sailJuice Global Warmup View
No Selection February,2012 Michael LENNON 583 610 2012 SailJuice Global Warmup Winter Series View

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