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Results for Max CLAPP

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
OPTIMIST July,2012 Max CLAPP 13 47 Volvo Irish Optimist Championship - Seniors View
No Selection July,2012 Max CLAPP 10 77 Volvo Musto Optimist British National and Open Championship - Junior Fleet Gold View
Optimist September,2009 Max CLAPP 8 98 RYA Volvo South West Zone Championships 2009 View
29ER September,2016 MAX CLAPP 8 50 GP @29erUK View
29ER April,2017 Max Clapp 8 31 RYA Youth @29erUK Gold View
420 April,2014 Max CLAPP 6 44 RYA Youth Nationals - 420 View
OPTIMIST August,2012 Max CLAPP 4 70 Volvo Gill Optimist British National and Open Championship 2012 - Senior Gold Fleet View
420 March,2014 Max CLAPP 4 42 CurraDinghy 420 Winter Championships View
420 April,2015 Max CLAPP 4 41 420 Silver RYA Youths View
29ER August,2017 MAX CLAPP 3 37 Nationals @29erUK Gold View
420 August,2014 Max CLAPP 3 57 420 Nationals View
420 August,2014 Max CLAPP 3 57 2014 British International 420 Class Open & National Championships View
OPTIMIST July,2011 Max CLAPP 2 74 Volvo Gill Optimist British National and Open Championship 2011 - Junior Gold Fleet View
420 November,2013 Max CLAPP 2 42 CurraDinghy GBR 420 End of Season Championship View
OPTIMIST October,2012 Max CLAPP 2 208 Volvo Gill Optimist End of Season Championship - Main Fleet View

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