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Results for Matt Smith

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
Topper June,2008 Matt Smith 41 43 UYC Topper Open View
Handicap January,2017 Matt SMITH 35 73 Grafham GP (Medium) - GJW Direct SailJuice Winter Series View
RS FEVA June,2016 Matt Smith 31 72 Feva Inlands View
RS Tera July,2012 Matt Smith 29 57 2012 Zhik Tera Sport National Championships View
MERLIN-ROCKET March,2020 Matt Smith 25 26 Silver Tiller @merlin_rocket @burghfieldsc View
420 September,2013 Matt SMITH 24 36 CurraDinghy GBR 420 Inland Championships View
RS FEVA May,2015 Matt Smith 24 45 RS Feva Nationals Gold View
SQUIB April,2016 Matt Smith 17 21 Squib Open View
RS Tera June,2014 Matt Smith 16 25 Magic Marine Inland National Championships - Pro Fleet View
Cadet October,2003 Matt Smith 15 18 RYA Zone Champs View
RS Tera August,2014 Matt Smith 15 36 Magic Marine RS Tera National Championships - Pro Fleet View
RS FEVA July,2016 Matt Smith 13 25 Feva GP View
RS Tera April,2014 Matt Smith 10 11 RS Tera Start of Seasons - Pro Rig View
RS Tera May,2014 Matt Smith 9 25 RS Tera European Championship - Pro Fleet View
RS Tera April,2015 Matt Smith 8 34 Magic Marine RS Tera Start Of Season Championships 2015 - Pro Fleet View

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