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Results for Matt MEE

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
Handicap September,2016 Matt MEE 4 33 Battle of Classes @SotonBoatShow View
RS200 June,2018 Matt Mee 4 42 Summers @RS200Racing View
Handicap February,2017 Matt MEE 4 147 Oxford Blue - GJW Direct SailJuice Winter Series View
RS400 October,2020 Matt Mee 5 44 RS400 Inlands View
420 March,2010 Matt MEE 5 56 Winter Championship View
RS200 June,2015 Matt Mee 5 40 RS200 Southerns View
RS200 October,2012 Matt Mee 5 60 RS200 Inland Championships View
RS200 September,2017 Matt Mee 6 101 Nationals @RS200Racing View
Fireball April,2006 Matt Mee 6 32 Inlands View
Fireball July,2006 Matt Mee 7 56 Nationals View
Assymetric & Foiling January,2011 Matt Mee 7 35 Steve Nicholson Trophy Assymetric & Foiling View
470 - Men October,2008 Matt Mee 7 12 Olympic Class National Ranker View
RS200 May,2014 Matt Mee 8 18 RS200 Open View
RS200 August,2014 Matt Mee 9 119 Volvo Noble Marine RS200 National Championships View
Handicap December,2012 Matt MEE 11 122 2012 Brass Monkey View

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