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Results for Martin BOATMAN

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
Handicap December,2015 Martin BOATMAN 6 42 GJW Direct SailJuice 4, Grafham GP (A) View
SB20 June,2018 Martin Boatman 6 25 Nationals @SB20Class View
RS800 June,2016 Martin Boatman 6 12 RS800 Southerns View
RS800 April,2016 Martin Boatman 5 24 RS800 Open View
RS800 August,2014 Martin Boatman 4 33 Volvo Noble Marine RS800 National Championship View
Musto Skiff August,2004 MARTIN BOATMAN 3 30 Nationals View
RS200 May,2011 Martin Boatman 1 6 Scottish and Northern Tour View
Laser SB3 April,2009 Martin Boatman 1 17 Inlands View

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