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Results for Mark Harrison

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
RS100 October,2021 Mark Harrison 6 23 RS100 Inlands View
RS100 August,2019 Mark Harrison 4 30 RS100 Open View
RS100 April,2018 Mark Harrison 7 14 RS100 Sprints View
RS100 September,2017 Mark Harrison 9 45 RS100 Nationals View
RS100 June,2017 Mark Harrison 3 24 Open RS100 View
Handicap May,2017 Mark Harrison 7 12 POSH A Div View
RS100 April,2017 Mark Harrison 7 13 Sprints RS100 View
RS100 July,2016 Mark HARRISON 1 9 RS100 Euros View
RS100 June,2016 Mark Harrison 4 12 RS100 Southerns View
RS200 June,2016 Mark Harrison 4 12 RS200 Southerns View
Handicap May,2016 Mark harrison 9 17 POSH Handicap (WL) View
RS100 October,2015 Mark Harrison 4 11 RS100 inlands View
RS100 May,2015 Mark harrison 4 10 RS100 POSH View
RS100 April,2015 Mark Harrison 1 7 RS100 Sprints View
RS100 November,2014 Mark Harrison 1 10 RS100 End of Seasons View

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