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Results for Martin Boatman

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
RS200 May,2011 Martin Boatman 1 6 Scottish and Northern Tour View
Laser SB3 April,2009 Martin Boatman 1 17 Inlands View
Musto Skiff August,2004 MARTIN BOATMAN 3 30 Nationals View
RS800 August,2014 Martin Boatman 4 33 Volvo Noble Marine RS800 National Championship View
RS800 April,2016 Martin Boatman 5 24 RS800 Open View
SB20 June,2018 Martin Boatman 6 25 Nationals @SB20Class View
RS800 June,2016 Martin Boatman 6 12 RS800 Southerns View
Handicap December,2015 Martin BOATMAN 6 42 GJW Direct SailJuice 4, Grafham GP (A) View
SB20 June,2018 Martin Boatman 8 22 Sprints @SB20Class View
MUSTO SKIFF June,2009 Martin Boatman 9 53 Nationals View
RS800 July,2014 Martin Boatman 9 40 Gill RS800 European Championships View
SB20 August,2017 Martin Boatman 10 79 Worlds @SB20Class View
RS200 August,2010 Martin BOATMAN 10 80 RS200 Nationals View
RS800 October,2014 Martin Boatman 10 17 RS Gul Inland Championships 2014 View
MUSTO SKIFF June,2008 Martin Boatman 10 65 Musto Skiff UK National Championship 2008 View

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