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Results for Katherine Parish

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
Topper June,2010 Katherine Parish 5 6 Bury Lake Traveller View
Topper July,2012 Katherine PARISH 5 27 Sailing Solutions Topper 4.2 Summer Championships View
TOPPER July,2012 Katherine PARISH 5 26 Topper 4.2 Summer Championships View
TOPPER 5.3 August,2011 Katherine PARISH 10 18 National Championships - Regatta 5.3 View
Topper September,2013 Katherine PARISH 10 39 RYA East Zonoe Championships View
Topper July,2012 Katherine PARISH 11 27 Sailing Solutions Topper 4.2 Summer Championships View
Topper April,2013 Katherine PARISH 14 251 Crewsaver 5.3 National Championships 2013 View
Topper July,2012 Katherine PARISH 14 28 Sailing Solutions Topper 4.2 Nationals and Nationa Series 6 2011/12 View
TOPPER August,2013 Katherine PARISH 14 84 Crewsaver Topper Nationals 2013 - Bronze Fleet View
No selection December,2013 Katherine PARISH 17 23 Craftinsure Topper 5.3 Autumn Regatta - Female View
Topper December,2013 Katherine PARISH 17 23 Craftinsure Topper 5.3 Autumn Regatta - Female View
Topper January,2012 Katherine PARISH 19 25 Sailing Solutions Topper 4.2 National Series 2 2011/12 View
Topper April,2011 Katherine PARISH 25 34 Sailing Solutions Topper 4.2 Na\tional Series 2 View
No selection September,2009 Katherine Parish 26 86 RYA East Zone Championship 2009 View
Optimist September,2009 Katherine Parish 26 27 RYA East Zone Championship 2009 View

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