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Results for Justin SMITH

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
Handicap February,2013 Justin SMITH 63 208 Rutland Challenge for the John Merricks Tiger Trophy View
Handicap July,2017 Justin SMITH 34 228 Lord Birkett View
GP14 May,2012 Justin Smith 23 40 GP14 Inland Championships View
GP14 August,2014 Justin Smith 23 95 GP14 Worlds View
GP14 August,2014 Justin Smith 23 95 GP14 World Championship View
GP14 August,2016 Justin Smith 17 36 GP14 Nationals @GP14sailing View
GP14 August,2017 Justin Smith 15 64 Nationals @GP14sailing View
GP14 May,2015 Justin Smith 12 24 GP14 Inlands View
GP14 June,2014 Justin Smith 11 67 GP14 National Championships 2014 View
GP14 May,2016 Justin Smith 10 34 GP14 Inlands View
GP14 May,2017 Justin Smith 9 31 Inlands @GP14sailing View
GP14 October,2015 Justin Smith 9 27 GP14 End of Seasons View
GP14 July,2012 Justin Smith 7 10 GP14 Northern and Border Bell Open View
GP14 May,2014 Justin Smith 6 24 GP14 Inlands View
GP14 September,2015 Justin Smith 3 22 GP14 Northerns View

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