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Results for Josh Strauss

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
RS FEVA April,2012 Josh Strauss 59 91 Bolle' RS Feva GP View
RS FEVA November,2011 Josh STRAUSS 57 94 End of Seasons View
OPTIMIST July,2011 Josh STRAUSS 47 71 Volvo Gill Optimist British National and Open Championship 2011 - Senior Silver Fleet View
No Selection August,2012 Josh Strauss 32 52 Cock Of The Harbour Pursuit Race View
RS FEVA June,2012 Josh STRAUSS 32 52 RS Feva National Championship 2012 - Silver Fleet View
RS FEVA July,2012 Josh Strauss 8 60 RS Feva World Championships - Bronze Fleet View
RS FEVA July,2013 Josh Strauss 2 57 RS Feva World Championships - Bronze Fleet View

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