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Results for Jonathan LEWIS

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
Handicap January,2016 Jonathan LEWIS 94 274 GJW Direct SailJuice 6, Bloody Mary View
Handicap January,2017 Jonathan LEWIS 84 287 Bloody Mary - GJW Direct SailJuice Winter Series View
Handicap January,2015 Jonathan LEWIS 70 235 Bloody Mary View
Handicap February,2017 Jonathan LEWIS 23 130 Tiger Trophy - GJW Direct SailJuice Winter Series 6 View
RS200 November,2014 Jonathan Lewis 15 27 RS200 End of Seasons View
RS200 September,2006 Jonathan Lewis 12 130 Nationals View
LASER RADIAL November,2017 Jonathan LEWIS 10 19 Radial Masters EOS View
RS200 August,2005 Jonathan Lewis 6 101 Gul RS200 Nationals 2005 View
RS200 October,2016 Jonathan Lewis 6 50 RS200 Inlands @RS200Racing View
Lark June,2007 Jonathan Lewis 4 72 Inlands View
Lark July,2004 Jonathan Lewis 4 48 Nationals View
Lark July,2005 Jonathan Lewis 4 63 Nationals View
RS200 August,2004 Jonathan Lewis 4 93 Gul RS200 Nationals 2004 View
RS200 August,2003 Jonathan Lewis 4 101 Gul RS200 Nationals 2003 View
RS200 September,2015 Jonathan Lewis 2 14 RS200 Open View

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