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Results for Jon Willars

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
MIRACLE September,2014 Jon Willars 3 14 Miracle Open View
MIRACLE August,2014 Jon Willars 4 35 Miracle National Championship View
SCORPION June,2016 Jon Willars 5 6 Scorpion Open View
Handicap December,2017 Jon WILLARS 7 38 Grafham GP Fast @GJWDirectUK View
MIRACLE April,2012 Jon Willars 7 11 Miracle Open Meeting View
RS400 October,2018 Jon Willars 7 32 Inlands RS400 View
SCORPION October,2018 Jon Willars 10 21 Inlands @sailscorpion View
MIRACLE September,2012 Jon Willars 11 13 Miracle Inland Championships View
RS400 November,2016 Jon Willars 13 36 RS400 End of Seasons View
MIRACLE May,2012 Jon Willars 14 19 Miracle Northern Championships View
SCORPION March,2017 Jon Willars 14 18 Scorpion Open View
RS400 September,2017 Jon Willars 15 27 RS400 Northerns View
RS400 October,2020 Jon Willars 16 44 RS400 Inlands View
RS400 March,2017 Jon Willars 16 22 RS400 Open View
SCORPION August,2019 Jon Willars 18 33 Nationals @sailscorpion View

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