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Results for John WARBURTON

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
RS Aero February,2017 John WARBURTON 14 47 RS Aero Winters View
Handicap May,2017 John Warburton 16 24 POSH S Div View
RS Aero November,2017 John WARBURTON 4 35 RS Aero end of season View
RS Aero February,2018 John WARBURTON 5 41 RS Aero Winters View
Handicap February,2018 John WARBURTON 18 132 Oxford Blue @GJWDirectUK @sailjuice 7 View
RS Aero August,2018 John Warburton 9 52 RS Aero 7 Gold Worlds View
RS Aero February,2019 John WARBURTON 12 48 RS Aero Winter Champs View
Handicap February,2019 John WARBURTON 23 160 Oxford Blue @SeldenMasts View

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