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Results for James STEWART

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
RS200 August,2010 James STEWART 8 80 RS200 Nationals View
LARK August,2017 James Stewart 8 22 Nationals @larksailing View
Handicap January,2009 James Stewart 8 56 Steve Nicholson Memorial Trophy - Double Handers View
Lark August,2006 James Stewart 7 60 Nationals View
RS200 August,2007 James Stewart 7 127 Nationals View
Handicap February,2010 James STEWART 7 176 Rutland Challenge for the John Merricks Tiger Trophy View
RS200 August,2009 James Stewart 6 129 National Championships View
LASER RADIAL April,2017 James STEWART 5 44 Radial Masters Inlands @IntLaserClass View
RS200 March,2009 James Stewart 5 39 Ugly SW Tour View
Lark June,2007 James Stewart 5 72 Inlands View
LARK August,2016 James Stewart 4 30 Lark Nationals@larksailing View
RS200 June,2009 James Stewart 4 61 Racing Circuit Round 5 View
Handicap January,2008 James Stewart 4 30 Steve Nicholson Memorial Trophy - Asymmetric View
Handicap February,2013 James STEWART 4 5 Steve Nicholson Memorial Trophy - Foiling Fleet View
Slow Fleet January,2011 James Stewart 3 35 30th Grafham Grand Prix 2010 View

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