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Results for Jack Hardie

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
LARK April,2013 Jack Hardie 3 11 2013 Lark Youth Championships View
CADET September,2012 Jack Hardie 3 47 Cadet Open View
CADET August,2013 Jack HARDIE 5 6 Cadet Nationals View
CADET April,2012 Jack HARDIE 6 57 Grafham Cadet Inland Championships View
CADET May,2010 Jack HARDIE 10 22 Eric Twiname View
RS Aero November,2016 Jack Hardie 10 39 RS Aero End of Seasons View
RS Aero August,2018 Jack Hardie 12 61 RS Aero 5 Worlds View
RS Aero June,2017 Jack Hardie 13 32 Aero Open @RSsailingInt View
RS Aero March,2017 Jack Hardie 15 28 RS Aero Springs View
CADET August,2011 Jack HARDIE 17 67 2011 National Championships Gold/Silver View
CADET April,2011 Jack HARDIE 18 62 2011 Parkstone Indicator View
CADET August,2010 Jack HARDIE 25 65 Zhik Nationals 2010 Gold/Silver View
RS Aero August,2017 Jack Hardie 27 30 RS Aero Youths View
RS200 June,2018 Jack Hardie 30 42 Summers @RS200Racing View
CADET May,2010 Jack HARDIE 34 68 2010 Third Indicator Gold/Silver View

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