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Results for Josie Meredith

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
Handicap January,2020 Josie Meredith 186 288 Selden Sailjuice Winter #5 - Bloody Mary View
TOPPER April,2016 Josie MEREDITH 120 151 Topper Inlands View
Handicap February,2019 Josie MEREDITH 103 160 Oxford Blue @SeldenMasts View
TOPPER February,2017 Josie MEREDITH 83 130 Topper NS2 View
TOPPER March,2017 Josie MEREDITH 70 125 NS3 @topper_racing View
TOPPER August,2017 Josie Meredith 70 89 5.3 Nats Gold @topper_racing View
TOPPER April,2017 Josie MEREDITH 67 150 Inlands @topper_racing View
TOPPER April,2018 Josie Meredith 56 158 Inlands @topper_racing View
TOPPER May,2016 Josie Meredith 56 86 Topper ET View
29ER November,2018 JOSIE MEREDITH 40 42 Inlands @29erUK View
29ER November,2018 JOSIE MEREDITH 40 42 29er Inlands View
29ER November,2019 JOSIE MEREDITH 40 53 29er End of Seasons View
RS Aero February,2019 Josie MEREDITH 37 48 RS Aero Winter Champs View
OPTIMIST September,2014 Josie MEREDITH 32 37 RYA South East Zone Championships - Optimist View
TOPPER September,2017 Josie Meredith 32 133 Topper Series Open View

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