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Results for James Rusden

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
RS200 May,2012 James Rusden 2 30 RS200 SW Ugly Tour View
420 May,2007 James RUSDEN 2 45 European Selector 2 View
RS200 March,2012 James Rusden 2 31 RS200 Fleet RS Winter Championships 2012 View
RS200 August,2014 James Rusden 2 119 Volvo Noble Marine RS200 National Championships View
RS200 October,2014 James Rusden 2 59 RS200 Inlands View
420 October,2007 James RUSDEN 3 43 420 Inland Championship 2007 View
RS200 April,2012 James Rusden 3 26 Gul RS200 Grand Prix View
420 August,2008 James RUSDEN 3 63 Nationals View
470 - Men October,2008 James Rusden 4 12 Olympic Class National Ranker View
420 January,2006 James RUSDEN 4 16 Youth Nationals View
29er April,2007 James Rusden 4 49 RYA Youth Championships & Trials - Qualifiers View
420 March,2008 James RUSDEN 4 28 RYA Youth Championships & Trails 2008 View
LASER RADIAL March,2012 James RUSDEN 4 57 Noble Marine Laser Standard and Radial Qualifier 2 View
Laser 4.7 April,2005 James Rusden 4 25 Laser 4.7 National Ladder View
LASER RADIAL March,2012 James RUSDEN 4 113 Noble Marine Laser Standard and Radial Qualifier 2 View

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