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Results for Ian Dobson

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
MERLIN-ROCKET March,2011 Ian Dobson 1 33 Craftinsure Silver Tiller Open meeting View
GP14 February,2011 Ian Dobson 1 37 GP14 World Championships View
Handicap November,2007 Ian Dobson 1 61 BUSA Nationals View
GP14 April,2018 Ian Dobson 1 40 Midlands @GP14sailing View
Handicap February,2013 Ian DOBSON 1 208 Rutland Challenge for the John Merricks Tiger Trophy View
FIREBALL June,2018 Ian Dobson 1 23 Open @ukfireball View
Handicap February,2018 Ian DOBSON 1 127 Tiger Trophy @GJWDirectUK 6 View
FIREBALL July,2018 Ian Dobson 1 27 Fireball Nationals @ukfireball View
Handicap February,2015 Ian DOBSON 1 65 Grafham Grand Prix - B Fleet View
FIREBALL October,2018 Ian Dobson 1 28 Inlands @ukfireball View
Handicap December,2015 Ian DOBSON 1 60 GJW Direct SailJuice 4, Grafham GP (C) View
GP14 August,2017 Ian Dobson 1 64 Nationals @GP14sailing View
Handicap April,2014 Ian DOBSON 1 7 Easter Regatta - Slow Fleet View
GP14 October,2015 Ian Dobson 1 27 GP14 End of Seasons View
Handicap January,2015 Ian DOBSON 1 51 Steve Nicholson Memorial Trophy 2015 - Doublehanded Fleet View

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