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Results for Heather JONES

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
OPTIMIST May,2018 Heather JONES 24 62 Optimist Inlands Regatta @IOCAUK View
Optimist May,2003 Heather Jones 24 53 Inlands - Regatta Fleet View
OPTIMIST October,2017 Heather JONES 29 52 EOS Regatta @IOCAUK View
Optimist August,2003 Heather Jones 42 70 Nationals - Regatta Fleet View
Optimist August,2003 Heather Jones 42 70 Volvo Musto Optimist Open and National Championships - Regatta Fleet View
OPTIMIST May,2017 Heather JONES 51 59 Inlands Regatta @IOCAUK View

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