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Results for Haydn Sewell

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
420 March,2020 Haydn Sewell 1 31 420 Inlands @Gbr420Team View
OPTIMIST August,2012 Haydn SEWELL 1 51 Volvo Gill Optimist British National and Open Championship 2012 - Regatta Fleet View
OPTIMIST October,2016 Haydn SEWELL 1 181 Optimist End of Seasons @IOCAUK View
420 October,2019 Haydn Sewell 2 33 420 Winters @Gbr420Team View
OPTIMIST September,2014 Haydn SEWELL 2 93 RYA South Zone Championships - Optimist View
OPTIMIST March,2016 Haydn SEWELL 2 164 Optimist Springs View
OPTIMIST September,2016 Haydn SEWELL 3 170 Optimist Champs @IOCAUK View
OPTIMIST May,2017 Haydn SEWELL 3 79 Optimist Trials @IOCAUK View
420 July,2019 Haydn Sewell 4 30 Youth Sailing World Championships 420M View
OpS September,2015 Haydn SEWELL 4 RYA South and South West Zone Championships 2015 View
420 August,2019 Haydn Sewell 5 47 420 Nationals @Gbr420Team View
OPTIMIST October,2014 Haydn SEWELL 5 217 Optimist End of Seasons - Main Fleet View
OPTIMIST August,2017 Haydn SEWELL 5 64 Senior Gold @IOCAUK View
OPTIMIST March,2013 Haydn SEWELL 5 141 Volvo Gill Optimist Spring Championship View
420 March,2019 Haydn Sewell 6 31 420 Inlands View

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