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Results for Hatty MORSLEY

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
Optimist July,2009 Hatty MORSLEY 28 42 Welsh School & Clubs Championship View
OPTIMIST August,2012 Hatty MORSLEY 38 70 Volvo Gill Optimist British National and Open Championship 2012 - Senior Gold Fleet View
420 March,2015 Hatty MORSLEY 39 49 420 Inlands View
OPTIMIST May,2009 Hatty MORSLEY 41 100 Inlands - Regatta Fleet View
OPTIMIST July,2011 Hatty MORSLEY 43 74 Volvo Gill Optimist British National and Open Championship 2011 - Junior Gold Fleet View
OPTIMIST October,2014 Hatty Morsley 44 70 Optimist Worlds - Blue Fleet View
RS200 September,2017 Hatty Morsley 48 101 Nationals @RS200Racing View
OPTIMIST May,2011 Hatty MORSLEY 51 219 Volvo Gill Optimist Inland Championships View
No Selection July,2012 Hatty MORSLEY 62 77 Volvo Musto Optimist British National and Open Championship - Junior Fleet Gold View
OPTIMIST August,2009 Hatty MORSLEY 63 73 Optimist Nationals - Junior Fleet Silver View
OPTIMIST March,2013 Hatty MORSLEY 64 141 Volvo Gill Optimist Spring Championship View
Optimist May,2008 Hatty MORSLEY 69 79 VOLVO MUSTO Optimist Inland Championships - Regatta Fleet View
OPTIMIST May,2010 Hatty MORSLEY 69 223 Inlands - Main Fleet View
OPTIMIST October,2014 Hatty MORSLEY 80 217 Optimist End of Seasons - Main Fleet View
OPTIMIST March,2011 Hatty MORSLEY 89 213 Spring Championships View

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