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Results for Harry Orchard

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
Optimist September,2008 Harry Orchard 7 19 RYA West Zone Championships 2008 Blithfield SC View
No selection September,2008 Harry Orchard 7 19 RYA West Zone Championships 2008 Blithfield SC View
Optimist October,2008 Harry ORCHARD 89 225 End of Season View
Optimist August,2008 Harry ORCHARD 133 147 Nationals - Senior Fleet View
Optimist May,2008 Harry ORCHARD 145 240 VOLVO MUSTO Optimist Inland Championship - Main Fleet View
Optimist October,2007 Harry ORCHARD 221 256 End of Seasons - Main Fleet View
Optimist May,2007 Harry ORCHARD 224 238 Inlands - Main Fleet View

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