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Results for Hannah Thomas

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
Optimist October,2005 Hannah Thomas 185 236 Volvo Musto Optimist End of Season Championships - Main Fleet View
Optimist May,2005 Hannah Thomas 172 232 Volvo Musto Optimist Inland Championships 2005 Main Fleet View
Topper March,2007 Hannah Thomas 162 187 Craftinsure Nationwide Topper Event View
Topper May,2007 Hannah Thomas 143 276 Magic Marine Topper Inland Championship 2007 View
Optimist September,2005 Hannah Thomas 143 281 IOCA Squad Selection Rankings 2005 - Overall View
Optimist August,2005 Hannah Thomas 118 128 Volvo Musto Optimist Open and National Championships - Senior Fleet View
Topper July,2007 Hannah Thomas 110 182 Craftinsure Topper Nationwide View
Optimist September,2005 HANNAH THOMAS 84 120 Poole Youth Open - Main Fleet View
Topper September,2007 Hannah Thomas 65 112 Craftinsure Topper Nationwide - Sunderland View
Topper March,2007 Hannah Thomas 64 308 Craftinsure Nationwide Series 2007 View
Topper July,2008 Hannah THOMAS 58 201 Craftinsure Topper National Series Event 3 View
Topper April,2008 Hannah THOMAS 56 196 Craftinsure Nationwide 1 View
Topper May,2008 Hannah THOMAS 55 240 Topper Inland Championships 2008 View
Topper August,2008 Hannah THOMAS 54 93 Nationals - Gold Fleet View
Optimist June,2005 Hannah Thomas 31 35 Open - Main Fleet View

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