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Results for Greg Bartlett

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
RS Aero March,2017 Greg Bartlett 2 28 RS Aero Springs View
RS Aero July,2019 Greg Bartlett 2 10 RS Aero 9 Nationals View
No Selection May,2021 Greg Bartlett 2 22 Spring Regatta - GBSC Qualifier View
RS Aero November,2019 Greg Bartlett 3 5 RS Aero 9 - End of Seasons @DraycoteWaterSC View
RS Aero August,2017 Greg BARTLETT 3 21 RS Aero 9 Worlds View
No Selection September,2014 Greg Bartlett 4 15 POSH Regatta 2014 - Mixed Fleet View
D-Zero June,2017 Greg Bartlett 4 34 Nationals @devotizero View
RS Aero September,2017 Greg Bartlett 5 19 RS Aero 9 Nationals View
RS Aero August,2017 Greg Bartlett 6 30 RS Aero Youths View
RS Aero March,2018 Greg Bartlett 6 8 Hamble Warming RS Aero View
Handicap January,2016 Greg Bartlett 6 96 Starcross Steamer View
RS Aero August,2020 Greg Bartlett 6 57 RS Aero 7 Nationals View
RS Aero August,2018 Greg Bartlett 8 43 RS Aero 9 Worlds View
LASER August,2016 Greg BARTLETT 9 23 Laser Nationals View
RS Aero April,2017 Greg Bartlett 9 18 Aero Open @RSsailingInt View

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