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Results for George Hand

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
MUSTO SKIFF April,2016 George Hand 1 22 MUSTO Open View
MUSTO SKIFF April,2016 George Hand 1 22 MUSTO Open View
MUSTO SKIFF November,2016 George Hand 1 33 Inlands @mustoskiff View
MUSTO SKIFF March,2017 George Hand 1 24 Open @mustoskiff View
MUSTO SKIFF April,2017 George Hand 1 35 Open @mustoskiff View
MUSTO SKIFF November,2018 George Hand 2 33 MUSTO Inlands View
MUSTO SKIFF April,2019 George Hand 2 34 Open @mustoskiff View
Yacht April,2014 George Hand 2 11 British Universities and Colleges Sport Yachting Championship 2014 - Silver Fleet View
MUSTO SKIFF July,2015 George Hand 3 41 MPS Nationals View
MUSTO SKIFF September,2015 George Hand 4 12 MUSTO Open View
MUSTO SKIFF January,2018 George Hand 4 56 Worlds @mustoskiff View
MUSTO SKIFF August,2017 George Hand 5 51 Nationals @mustoskiff View
Handicap January,2010 George Hand 7 7 Steve Nicholson Memorial Trophy - Foilers Fleet View
MUSTO SKIFF April,2018 George Hand 7 48 Open @mustoskiff View
Laser 4.7 April,2006 George Hand 8 44 Inlands 4.7 2006 View

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