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Results for Gareth Henshall

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
Optimist March,2003 Gareth Henshall 86 271 National Rankings 2003 incl 15 year-olds View
Optimist March,2003 Gareth Henshall 79 81 Worlds Qualifier View
Optimist May,2003 Gareth Henshall 86 255 IOCA National Squad Selection Rankings 2003/4 View
Optimist May,2003 Gareth Henshall 187 222 Inlands View
Optimist August,2003 Gareth Henshall 36 112 Nationals - Senior Fleet View
Optimist August,2003 Gareth Henshall 36 112 Volvo Musto Optimist Open and National Championships - Junior Fleet View
Optimist October,2003 Gareth Henshall 89 217 Volvo Musto Optimist End of Season Championships - Main Fleet View
Optimist April,2004 Gareth Henshall 79 81 Volvo Musto Optimist World and European Selection Trials View
Topper April,2004 Gareth Henshall 54 280 Nationwide Series View
Optimist May,2004 Gareth Henshall 185 266 IOCA National Squad Selection Rankings 2004/5 View
Optimist May,2004 Gareth Henshall 53 221 Volvo Musto Optimist Inland Championships - Main Fleet View
Topper August,2004 Gareth Henshall 104 114 Nationals - Gold Fleet View
Topper April,2005 Gareth Henshall 65 133 Sunsail Nationwide 1 View
Topper April,2005 Gareth Henshall 39 246 Topper Inland Championships View
Topper July,2005 Gareth Henshall 21 152 Sunsail Nationwide 3 View

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