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Results for Gareth Griffiths

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
RS Aero August,2015 Gareth Griffiths 10 24 RS Aero 9 Nationals View
RS Aero October,2015 Gareth Griffiths 8 16 Aero 9 Inlands View
RS Aero November,2016 Gareth Griffiths 7 39 RS Aero End of Seasons View
RS Aero March,2017 Gareth Griffiths 7 28 RS Aero Springs View
RS Aero February,2019 Gareth GRIFFITHS 6 48 RS Aero Winter Champs View
RS Aero September,2017 Gareth Griffiths 6 19 RS Aero 9 Nationals View
RS Aero February,2018 Gareth GRIFFITHS 6 41 RS Aero Winters View
SOLO September,2012 Gareth Griffiths 5 37 Guildford Marine Solo Open View
SOLO September,2012 Gareth Griffiths 5 37 Guildford Marine Solo Open View
RS Aero June,2016 Gareth Griffiths 5 26 RS Aero 9 Nationals View
RS Aero February,2015 Gareth Griffiths 5 22 RS Aero Open View
RS Aero October,2016 Gareth Griffiths 3 18 RS Aero 9 River Champs View
RS Aero March,2018 Gareth Griffiths 2 8 Hamble Warming RS Aero View
SOLO October,2014 Gareth Griffiths 1 15 Solo Open Meeting View

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