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Results for Ewan GRIBBIN

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
Topper June,2011 Ewan GRIBBIN 26 46 Sailing Solutions Topper 4.2 National Nationals and Sailing Soluntions Topper 4.2 National Series 4 View
Topper May,2011 Ewan Gribbin 28 55 SWT Chew Valley View
Topper September,2012 Ewan Gribbin 28 39 Topper South West Traveller 12 - Bowmoor Results View
Topper April,2011 Ewan Gribbin 30 35 SWT4 Saltash View
RS200 October,2020 Ewan Gribbin 30 45 RS200 Inlands View
Topper June,2011 Ewan Gribbin 31 40 Sidmouth South West Topper Open View
Topper April,2012 Ewan Gribbin 33 45 SW Traveller 1 Frampton View
Topper April,2011 Ewan Gribbin 38 48 Roadford Topper Open View
RS FEVA May,2017 Ewan Gribbin 40 56 Nationals Gold @RSFevaUK View
Topper July,2013 Ewan GRIBBIN 43 119 Craftinsure National Series 4 View
Topper September,2010 Ewan Gribbin 54 62 Roadford Topper Traveller 2010 View
TOPPER August,2014 Ewan GRIBBIN 57 69 Zhik Topper World Championships - Gold Fleet View
TOPPER August,2013 Ewan GRIBBIN 64 83 Crewsaver Topper Nationals 2013 - Gold Fleet View
Topper April,2013 Ewan GRIBBIN 64 251 Crewsaver 5.3 National Championships 2013 View
Topper July,2013 Ewan GRIBBIN 71 110 Craftinsure National Series 3 View

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