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Results for Ella LANCE

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
OPTIMIST March,2016 Ella LANCE 40 164 Optimist Springs View
OPTIMIST March,2017 Ella LANCE 37 138 Optimist Springs @IOCAUK View
OPTIMIST May,2017 Ella LANCE 37 79 Optimist Trials @IOCAUK View
OPTIMIST October,2014 Ella LANCE 36 217 Optimist End of Seasons - Main Fleet View
OPTIMIST June,2015 Ella Lance 35 90 Optimist Open View
OPTIMIST October,2016 Ella LANCE 29 181 Optimist End of Seasons @IOCAUK View
OPTIMIST May,2018 Ella LANCE 29 201 Optimist Inlands @IOCAUK View
OPTIMIST June,2016 Ella Lance 26 92 Optimist Open View
OPTIMIST October,2015 Ella LANCE 24 164 Optimist EOS View
420 April,2019 Ella Lance 24 30 Springs @Gbr420Team View
OPTIMIST September,2013 Ella Lance 21 31 RYA South East Zone Championships 2013 - Optimist Fleet View
420 March,2019 Ella Lance 20 31 420 Inlands View
420 October,2018 Ella Lance 20 27 420 Inlands View
420 August,2019 Ella Lance 15 47 420 Nationals @Gbr420Team View
OPTIMIST March,2018 Ella LANCE 14 179 Springs @IOCAUK View

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