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Results for Emma Baker

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
SQUIB September,2012 Emma Baker 20 26 Squib South Coast Championship View
SQUIB September,2012 Emma Baker 20 26 Squib South Coast Championship View
LASER 4.7 October,2009 Emma Baker 25 33 Inland Championship View
SQUIB October,2016 Emma Baker 26 43 Squib Inlands View
OPTIMIST August,2012 Emma BAKER 26 70 Volvo Gill Optimist British National and Open Championship 2012 - Senior Gold Fleet View
RS FEVA April,2012 Emma Baker 27 91 Bolle' RS Feva GP View
OPTIMIST May,2011 Emma BAKER 27 219 Volvo Gill Optimist Inland Championships View
RS FEVA October,2012 Emma Baker 28 46 Boll RS Feva Grand Prix View
RS FEVA June,2012 Emma Baker 33 57 RS Feva Inland Championships View
LASER 4.7 August,2010 Emma BAKER 34 39 National Championships View
OPTIMIST May,2012 Emma BAKER 40 224 Volvo Gill Optimist Inland Championship View
SQUIB October,2012 Emma Baker 41 41 Squib Inland Championships View
LASER 4.7 August,2011 Emma BAKER 42 72 Nationals View
Optimist October,2007 Emma BAKER 58 71 End of Seasons - Regatta Fleet View
OPTIMIST October,2012 Emma BAKER 60 208 Volvo Gill Optimist End of Season Championship - Main Fleet View

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