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Results for Dylan Fletcher

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
49er April,2009 Dylan Fletcher 10 50 Princess Sofia Trophy View
Handicap December,2015 Dylan FLETCHER 10 42 GJW Direct SailJuice 4, Grafham GP (A) View
49ER April,2013 Dylan Fletcher 10 74 44th Trofeo Princesa Sofia Mapfre - 49er View
Handicap January,2008 Dylan Fletcher 12 30 Steve Nicholson Memorial Trophy - Asymmetric View
49er April,2007 Dylan FLETCHER 13 74 Semaine Olympique Francaise View
No Selection March,2012 Dylan Fletcher 16 76 Trofeo SAR Princess Sofia MAPFRE - 49er View
49er May,2009 Dylan Fletcher 17 Holland Regatta View
Handicap February,2013 Dylan FLETCHER 20 36 Steve Nicholson Memorial Trophy - Asymmetric and Foiling Fleets View
49er April,2008 Dylan FLETCHER 23 41 Semaine Olympique Francaise View
Laser May,1900 Dylan Fletcher 25 0 Holland Regatta View
49er May,1900 Dylan Fletcher 25 Holland Regatta View
49er March,2008 Dylan Fletcher 28 -1 Princess Sofia Trophy View
49er March,2007 Dylan Fletcher 35 80 Princess Sofia Trophy View
Handicap November,2006 Dylan Fletcher 57 201 Tiger Trophy View
handicap February,2008 Dylan Fletcher 128 241 Tiger Trophy View

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